Add widget and get done! The app refreshes your home screen with Actuarial and Insurance terms to keep you updated and make sure you know the term when it comes across in your daily life.We know that you are lazy to go on Google and search for the terms you need to know but you dont. We are here to enhance your knowledge.The app helps you to gain knowledge of the Actuarial and Insurance sectors where the terms are added usually. Features in this release:Added images of authors for all the posts! Now you can watch as well as contact them by reaching to their profile on the web as they find convenientSingle post item now is better looking and has more features than before. We will add more descriptions and related links soon!Updated order of homepage where it is now in alphabetical order so you can find terms easilyThe list is now easy to your eye!Added latest post feature where it will tell you the latest post and you can go ahead and read it!